Announcing the start of Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University (FPU) class at BCF Church.
We had Jenny Gripka present information about budgeting, finances, and the FPU class she and her husband lead at their church a couple months ago. We promised to let you know when the class would begin for the's here!!!
Sign up begins this Saturday, Jan 14th.
The class will begin on Monday, February 21st from 6:30 - 8:30 pm at BCF Church on Central Blvd.
What is Financial Peace University?
Financial Peace University classes meet for two hours each week for 13 weeks, during which time the average family pays off $5300 in debt and saves $2700. You learn about budgeting, cash flow planning, dumping debt, mortgages, life insurance, college planning, saving for retirement, and MUCH MORE!
Cost: $100 for a kit and Lifetime Membership for FPU (Meaning you can take the class as many times, where ever you may be.)
If you are interested in signing up or have any questions:
Speak with Jenny Gripka or Michelle Straub at any of the MOPS meetings.
Register online:
Financial Peace University Lifetime Membership usually cost around $100 and includes:
- Lifetime Membership for you and your spouse
- Access to the FPU Members Resource Center
- A copy of Financial Peace Revisited
- FPU class workbook
- Audio CD’s for each lesson
- Starter Envelope System
- Budgeting Forms
- Bonus CD to share
- Tip Cards
- Debit card holders and more.