Wednesday, April 27, 2011

A note from Renee

We wanted to share this email we received from Renee on April 20th.  Please continue to pray for her and her family.

Dear Brownsville MOPS,
Thank you so, so much for the card you sent to me.  I received it this morning.  It was so sweet of you all to think of me and send me a card.  I really appreciate your kindness.  I miss you all, too.  I am looking forward to being back with you again (hopefully in mid-August).
Things have been going very well.  We just got back from a week visiting Azarja's (my husband) sister, Tabitha, in Nampula which is located in northern Mozambique.  She is teaching in a mission school for missionaries' children.  It was definitely an adventure, but it was great!  After...our flight was delayed twice, watching a dog walk across the runway (twice), seeing a rat scurrying around the airport restaurant, bargaining for taxis at 2:30 a.m. in Maputo (Mozambique), staying at a mission guesthouse, driving for about 6 hours, and an uneventful border crossing,...we are finally back in White River, South Africa.  In spite of it all, I must say I still love Africa!
Congratulations on the Make It, Bake It, Grow It!  I heard that it went very well this year.  That is so great!  I'm so sorry I couldn't be there to participate and help. 
I wish you all a very Happy Easter and a great rest of the year!

Lots of love and thanks,

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